Bleu is a gorgeous ex-racing Greyhound and was found in Fife, Scotland a few days ago. The full BBC news report can be found here.
Ironically, he was found emaciated and just a few days from a horrific and painful death in the constituancy of Gordon Brown, the British Prime Minister (whom you can email about this matter at gordon.brown@hm-treasury.x.gsi.gov.uk - although keep it polite). Before you do though, let me tell you a little about Bleu...
Bleu should have weighed 30kg, which is the correct weight for an adult male Greyhound. Instead he weighed just 18kg because he had been starved for at least 2 months before he was found, according to veterinary staff. He is just 2 years old so imagine the kind of life he has had so far.
Bleu was abandoned, but not by simply being left somwhere, which would have been bad enough. No, he wasthrown over an 8 foot high fence into an abandoned factory. He could not escape because it was effectively wasteland. Had someone walking nearby not spotted him he would certainly be dead now.
Langdyke Boarding Kennel owner Sylvia Pass said: "When the dog was brought here it had a 50/50 chance of survival. It was malnourished and dehydrated and we found it covered in fleas. It has no muscle, no flesh. If it lay on its side and shut its eyes you would think it had been dead for a couple of weeks, it's that bad."
Bleu is recovering from a damaged shoulder as well as his emaciation and currently has a 75% chance of survival. Thanks to excellent medical care and being fed 6 to 8 times a day with small meals of food high in protein and fat soaked in water, Bleu's chances of survival are much higher than they were just a few days ago.
Speak out about ths and pass the link on to all your friends. Everyone needs to know about this dispicable act because it must stop now!
I am really touched by your blog . Keep up the great work.
Great post! Raising awareness about these issues is very important. We should reveal and stop those who exploit these poor animals. Thanks for sharing this information!
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
I'm appalled. In the Netherlands, where I live, I know many people who have adopted abused greyhounds from Spain; there is a special charity bringing the animals here.
Only yesterday did someone tell me that greyhounds are abused in Holland, too. And, it seems, also in Britain....And here I was, thinking it was a Spanish thing.
I hope Blue survives and finds a really good, loving home.
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