When we think of cruelty to greyhounds and greyhound slaughter, we tend to think close to home. We think of the USA, UK and Europe. We may even look to the Middle East, but our focus should also be on Asia. No matter how bad we think the greyhound cruelty that goes one here is, I guarantee that it is ten times worse there.
Our gorgeous greyhounds are brutally tortured in the most horrific ways before being murdered without a thought. There is no regulation in Asia at all. However, the Asian countries cannot take all of the blame. Australia has to take some of it too.
Did you know Australia exports greyhounds to Asia? They do so knowing what happens to the poor creatures that are sent sailing to their death and yet they do nothing about it. However, there is a petition you can sign to voice your concern and outrage to the Australian government. It can be found here. Please click through and sign it. It will take but a moment.
This is the introduction to the petition, and it should give you a good idea of what goes on:
The Australian greyhound racing industry is shamelessly promoting and encouraging greyhound racing in Asia. At present greyhounds are being exported from Australia to Asia to places such as Korea, Vietnam and China for the purpose of racing/breeding with further plans to create networks of tracks throughout Cambodia and the Philippines. These are countries notorious for the barbaric torture and slaughter of dogs for human consumption. There is no hope or opportunity of rehoming greyhounds that are 'surplus' to requirements in Asia. As exposed by the media they are ending their days being butchered in the dog meat industry or thrown into landfills. At present this is the fate of Australian greyhounds in Asia.
I hope you will post this on Google or Yahoo so more people can see this and sign the petition.
Unfortunately it is not a petition I set up and I don't actualy know who did, although I will endeavour to find out because I didn't realise that it wasn't indexed. Thanks for letting me know!
i saw a dog that had been HUNG so the things that happen to dags make me SICK
I hope you are well informed and understand that the cruelty towards greyhounds is not supported by the entire industry. In fact, it is frowned upon and is a shame. State inspectors inspect the farms and tracks and shut down those that do not meet the strict guidelines for safety, care, and space. Just thought I would throw in my two cents!
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