Sunday, January 27, 2008

Response To A Comment From "Anonymous"

I don't know about you, but after a busy 6 day week, I like to kick back and relax... read a book, play with my doggies a little more than I do in the week, cook, have a bath etc etc. I love Sundays and don't usually go anywhere near my computer but I did check my email today for some unknown reason and found the following comment on one of the posts on here in my inbox, which appears below completely unedited:

"Wow... taken right off of the GPL website. I don't know if I care to waste the time to refute all of these assertions and lies seeing as how nobody actually reads your blog, and you certainly are of one mindset.

Matter of fact, I don't think I will.. but, if you feel like educating yourself as opposed to being a lemming, I'll be happy to discuss things with you. FACTUALLY."

This was a response to "10 Reasons Why Greyhound Racing Should Be Banned" and was left by an anonymous visitor. I was undecided as to whether to respond to such a blatant personal insult but, after reading it a few times I decided to respond... but not in the comments section (very few people read comments anyway). I decided to highlight it here, where it matters, so everyone can see what I and everyone else that tries to do a little good for one of the greatest dog breeds alive is actually up against every day.

Firstly, thank you for your comment Anonymous, although it is hard to have an intelligent debate about what I believe in with someone who has failed to leave even a name! I'd like to take the opportunity though to reiterate that I welcome any and all opinions on this blog, even if you do not necessarily agree with me.

I fundamentally believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, including me and you too, Anonymous. I will also admit that I am human and therefore am not right 100% of the time, but you are right in that I do have one mindset on this particular topic and will not back down from it one iota. I am here to stand up for what I believe in, regardless of any derogatory messages I get from people disagreeing with me. However, I do not respect the fact that you are unwilling to stand up for your convictions by leaving such messages and yet refusing to justify comments and mark them as your own.

In terms of the accusation of plagiarism, a quick check of copyscape would have told you that there are three word for word copies of this post on the Internet, and all of them lead back to this site. However, there are bigger issues here so I will swiftly move on...

Unfortunately Anonymous, you yourself have proved that I am not a lemming because I do not agree with you and my opinion has evolved from much of the research that I have completed over the past few years. Also, unlike some individuals out there, who are also entitled to their own opinion, I do not believe that all greyhound trainers and owners are fundamentally bad. In fact, I know of at least four trainers in my local area that go out of their way to find a good home for their retired racers and never have a good dog put to sleep, whether or not they are injured.

At least one of those trainers will keep all of her greyhounds on at her own personal expense until she has found them a good home. However, she is in the minority, as are all of the trainers and owners that love their dogs and treat them the way they should be treated... and this is why so many are left to starve in the streets, have their ears cut off so they cannot be identified, or are murdered in cold blood. All because they are no longer useful. If you do want to discuss facts then how about that? Even one owner/trainer abusing his or her greyhounds is one too many. Fact!

The minority referred to above should be commended, but a quick Google search will highlight just how many animals are murdered every year or left to die because they can no longer earn their heartless owners money. I will not apologise for the blog, or for publishing my opinions, for that very reason.

I am writing about the mistreatment of greyhounds for one reason only - to help educate others about the greyhound racing industry. If one person reads this blog and decides to help out or forms an opinion or is even inspired to look into the issue a bit further than I have had the effect I established this blog for.

Your personal comment about nobody reading this blog may have been designed to hit a nerve but it missed every single one in my body by a mile because... guess what! In order to comment you had to read it yourself! Therefore someone has read this blog! If you felt the need to comment instead of disregarding what I have put then I have had an effect on someone and that is what counts.

There are hundreds of fantastic people out there who devote their lives to helping abandoned, mistreated and abused greyhounds every single day, and I salute them all. This kind of abuse and scorn is what they have to put up with every day. I have only just begun my personal journey, but by God I will be here every step of the way and nobody, not even Anonymous, will change that.


Anonymous said...


I myself have 2 retired greyhound as pets and they are wonderful companions and think the misuse of these animals is simply shocking. There should be no over breeding and the racing industry should take full responsibillty for ALL racing dogs to ensure they have a proper life and retirement, My son loves the dogs and do they him and it is a wonderful sight to see them together. It is such a shame that more racing dogs don't have the same opportunity to have a proper loving home life and I hope people will really consider an ex-racing dog as a family pet. They are perfect and so loving and so deserving of a happy home.

Ironicus Maximus said...

It has been our experience that whenever one of the overlords uses the phrase "factually" (especially when it's in all caps) you're about to take a ride on the Deluded Express to Denialville.

These "people" have to construct a fantasy world to live in so they can rationalize what they do, so it's no wonder they attack the messenger, because there's no way they can deal with the message without admitting they're not fully human.

Keep pounding on their facade, it's fun to watch them squirm.

Anonymous said...

You go girl! Why should you apologize for trying to highlight the atrocities that these "men" commit day in day out? I'm glad you didn't back down and glad that you highlighted just what kind of idiot is out there.

And as for nobody reading this, I believe I'm the third comment today... so whoever that was has really done his bit to encourage people to read your blog!

Well done Anonymous! And well done Lou! Keep up the fantastic work!